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New e-learning options for District 6880 Rotary Leadership Institute

Monday, October 19, 2020
By: Howard N. Eddy
New e-learning options for District 6880 Rotary Leadership Institute

“Having leadership skills does not alone assure good Rotary leadership. An effective Rotary leader must ALSO have Rotary knowledge, perspective about where Rotary has been, where it is now going and a vision of what Rotary can be.”

Have  you or your club’s future leaders been unable to finish your RLI certification, haven’t found the traditional full day sessions convenient or are interested but just want to check it out?  District 6880 is excited to announce an exciting new opportunity.  We have partnered with Sunshine Division RLI that includes neighboring Georgia and even before COVID, had created custom online RLI courses and curriculum for several years now.  Rather than day long in-personal sessions, their sessions are broken down into about 1 hour virtual Zoom type classes.  Take them as you can and at your connivance!
As a bonus, once you complete the classes for any one of the three traditional eight hour parts, you can email your completion certificate and (as long as funds are available,) District 6880 will reimburse you the cost of registration!!  No more killing your weekend, no more long class days and WE MAKE THE TRAINING FREE!
It’s easy to register for the online Sunshine RLI courses,
  1. Go to www.DACdb.com and log on to your account or create a new one if you don’t yet have one.
  2. Click on our 6880 “District” tab and then click on the “Calendar” button
  3. Be sure to check the box “RLI” so the calendar un-hides the RLI-SD Classes
  4. Scroll down to find an RLI logo on a class date and time you like, click on the red “Register Now” and follow the prompts.
  5. Please note, while some may wish to take them in order, within any of the three parts you can take the subparts in any order.  ie. 1,1, 1.2, 1.3 OR 1.4, 1.1. 1.2, 1.3

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